How is the weather today? 오늘 날씨가 어떤가요? It is sunny. 화창해요 It is cloudy. 날이 흐려요 (구름이 껴요) It is hot. 더워요 It is humid. 습해요 It is hot and humid. 덥고 습해요 It is muggy. 후덥지근해요 (덥고 끈적해요) It is raining. 비가와요 It is foggy. 안개가 꼈어요 It is windy. 바람이 불어요 It is cold. 추워요 It is chilly. 쌀쌀해요. It is snowy. 눈이와요 It is stormy. 폭풍우가 몰아쳐요 It is partly cloudy = It is partly sunny 일부 구름이 껴요 (일기예보에서는 같은 의미라고 합니다) 아이들이 따라부..